For FHE we decided to go to the Grotto up Payson Canyon for a nature walk to the waterfall and a weenie roast and s'mores. One small problem, we didn't take any matches or a lighter so we were hoping that one of the "eagle scouts" could get us a fire going. It didn't happen so while we went on our "walk" to the Grotto Rich drove back down the canyon to buy a lighter.

There were several times that we crossed the water on these logs. I was a little nervous about all the little ones that we had with us but they all did really well.

This is our group. We had the Rogers, Anderson's, McKell and Josee and us. Kenzie and Jake are with us for the week and they were glad they got to come with us.

It really is just a short walk and then you get to this waterfall with a pool of water. It isn't very deep but it is cold.

Here are the big kids. Jake and Alex got really wet but the girls kind of wussed out and didn't get that wet. Jake was freezing!!

The little kids had more fun throwing rocks in the water than actually getting wet. They were having a great time playing together.

Dustin told Jennifer that he would take her to Olive Garden for dinner if she put her whole face in the waterfall...and she DID!! She said it was totally worth it!!!
I made the kids all stop on the bridge for a quick photo shoot. They were really posing it up!!!

Rich already had the fire going when we got back. We weren't as prepared for this little outing as we should have been. We should have brought more chairs but it all worked out and we had enough food which is really the only thing that matters anyway...right??

We got a great fire going and there is nothing better than a bun length BarS weenie roasted over an open fire!! Delicious...don't believe me

just ask Max...looks like he is really LOVING his.

Kenzie was trying to roast the "perfect" mallow but unfortunatly that title was all mine. Grandpa Hansen took his marshmellow roasting very seriously and lucky for me he taught me all his tricks. I really do know how to get the "perfect" mallow!

Alex with his mouth full!!
We finished up all our delicious food and then we got the fire out and headed back home.
We really did have a good time, didn't we!? We definately need to do it again, soon. Oliver Garden sure was delicious, when Dustin finally paid up.
Too fun! I love all the pictures!
please take me to the grotto!
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