Rich got 17th place overall and 2nd place in his age group. It only took him 37.44 minutes to finish (that's 6 minute miles people, he's a running machine)!! There were about 600 runners total so 17th place is pretty sweet! I took a little more time to finish, I came in at 1 hour 5 minutes. I obviously am not very competitive just out there having fun!!
We came home and got the kids and headed down to the Parade. It is SO long and not very exciting but I am not a huge fan of parades in general. It was pretty toasty but the kids had fun. Alex got hold of the camera and took most of these photos.
We all parked at Janet and Todd's house since they live right off main street. Almost all of Rich's family was there (Carrie and Jennifer were MIA).
Max was SO dirty when we got home. He got mad about something and was face down on the asphalt for a few minutes...also the chocolate donut he was enjoying was pretty messy. Parker thought it was cool the Missionaries were in the parade and wanted his picture with one.
After the parade we went home and got showered and took a little nap. We went to Barry's for a late lunch/dinner and then went to Grandpa Cope's for a BBQ. We had fun visiting for a few hours. Alexa and Alex went with Joseph and Harrison to the movie "Batman, The Dark Knight" it was Alexa's 2nd time. Alex loved it, I thought he might be scared but he wasn't.
Me, Rich and Max drove down to see the Firework show and it was pretty pathetic. I was glad we didn't go to the ballpark and have to fight the traffic afterwards. We had a great 24th of July!!!
Too bad we didn't see you there! Rich told me about the 17th place finish - pretty amazing!
Way to go Rich! I think it is great when anyone does these races, so go ahead and pat yourself on your back Ang.
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