Monday, July 28, 2008

Family Night

After our FHE lesson we went to Trafalga for some mini golf. Max had so much fun!! He got SO excited when we finally got his ball into the hole!

We all thought the shark was pretty awesome...ok so pretty much I'm the only one that thought it was awesome but love for great whites is unexplainable it just is. I look quite thoughtful in this photo, I guess I was just dreaming of the time when I get to see one face to face!

Alex probably had the most fun! He would help Max and then take his was pretty busy so we played the same hole like 3 times waiting for the next one.

Rich was pretty proud of his "hole in one" not sure what's up with the face but you gotta love it!!


Melissa said...

Since when do you have a love for great white's?

Shannon said...

Alexa looks more than thrilled to be there. But doesn't she hate that you love sharks?

Tiesha said...

How fun, I've been telling Paul for a month now we should do that for family night. Wow, I haven't been there forever! They've really changed the inside of it!