Saturday, July 26, 2008

Alexa and Maddy

We had a neighborhood BBQ on Saturday night and my friend gave Alexa her camera and told her to go take pictures of the is a sample of what she got back!! I am very used to the self portraits and silliness on my camera so I just laughed when I saw these pictures!

Alexa and Maddy are great friends and I am so glad. As a mom you always worry about who your kids are hanging out with etc. and I never have to worry because Alexa has really great friends!! Last Monday she was at Maddy's and I called her to come home for Family Home Evening she said "can't I just have it with them, they are like my second family" I am so glad that she has such good friends and I am glad she feels like part of the family...hopefully she won't wear out her welcome!!!


Anonymous said...

They are such posers! They make me laugh. I agree, Alexa does have really good friends and Maddy is one of the best! You never have to worry about those two together.

Shannon said...

It's great when they can find good friends that you can trust. Imagine my moms fear when I got wrapped up with Janean ha just kidding.