Have you ever loved someone who wouldn't answer the phone when you called?
Have you ever loved someone that loved one of your friends?
Have you ever loved someone who talks to you when you are alone but when your in a group of people they act like you are invisible?
Have you ever loved someone that didn't love you back?
Well I have, and it sucks. But if you think about it, the person you love is a jerk for letting these things happen.
And the truth is, the person you thought you loved...you don't really love 'em.
I was just talking the other day about this with Rich and my Brother-in-law how it is so great to keep a journal or a blog or just write down your feelings because if you don't let things out, good or bad it makes it harder to function and you just have all these feelings and emotions locked up inside. I know especially for me I can easily write just about anything but if I try to express the same thing out loud I can never seem to just be totally honest or express myself as well as I can in writing.
I hope this helped Alexa let go of some of her sad feelings and she has been in a pretty good mood since so I think it has helped at least a little.
She is such a darling girl! Tell her she can't love anyone because she has to marry Cade! I mean they are only a year different in age and I think I should be able to hand pick my daughter in law. Don't you think?
I hope after writing down her feelings Alexa realized that who ever she "loves" sucks and totally doesn't deserve her or her love for acting like a weeney and ignoring her! She is way to good for him!!!
How cute. I foget how strong emotions are at that age.
She is so dang cute, but isn't this such a hard age. I am sure you know that, I just remember that age. I hope she knows how great she is.
I feel the same way, it's easier for me to write my feelings down then to try to verbally express them. Alexa, you totally deserve better! Don't let anyone get you down. I miss you all.
Never forget it Lex...love is hard work, but if it's that hard, move on. You are a smart girl and junior high/middle school years are the dark ages, you'll make it through them!
Journaling is definitley important, very cleansing.
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