Saturday, May 16, 2009

Going Away Party for JOSEPH

Joseph is leaving for basic training for 16 weeks and so we had a surprise going away party for him at Steph and Jeff's house. McKell told him they were going to the movie.
All the kids ran up and grabbed him when he came into the back yard. It was cute, he is such a fun uncle all the kids are really going to miss him!!
We had some snacks and hung out just visiting and eating. It seems like we do alot of that in the Duvall's back yard.
Here are some of the cousins posing for a picture. Max, Mallory, Creed, Keanu, Samantha and Pieper. They are all really close in age, it is so fun for them to have so many friends to play with!!

I borrowed these pictures from Janean's blog, thanks for taking pictures Janean.
Carrie made this awesome cake for Joseph, she is so talented. I know it will be hard for McKell and Joseph to be apart for so long and I hope the time goes by fast for them. He will be missed for sure but 4 months isn't that long and he will be back before we know it!!

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