Saturday, August 30, 2008

Melissa's "Open House" PARTY!!

We got all cleaned up and headed out to Richmond for the Summer's open house party! It was both families so there was quite a crowd. Melissa is a wonderful hostess and we all had a great time. They have a huge driveway and that it where we ate and played.
All the food was inside and it was so yummy there was this salad my sister Melanie made I don't know what it was called but I named it "oriental delight" and Melissa made a yummy peanut butter pudding dessert that was so delicious. We ate hamburgers or hot dogs and salads and fruit etc.
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After we were done eating...she pulled out this box of sidewalk chalk and bubbles for the kids to play with...needless to say they LOVED it, what a great aunt she is! They also have the perfect driveway for 4 square (the squares are in the cement) so that was fun too!
My boys got a little more creative and decided it would be funner to play in the dirt and rocks. They had such a fun time, some of my nieces were in there too but they got cleaned up before Melissa took the picture. Alex looks like an aborigine and Max looks like a ghost or something. They didn't want to get cleaned up so I told Max he couldn't put 'Batman' on until he was clean...that did it!
I guess Amy was posing people for pictures and here is the result. I am not really sure why this happened but they are cute (aside from the weird pose...seriously Amy)!
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We had a little photo shoot before we went know its not a party until there is a photo shoot!!
Thanks Melissa and Steve for the great party!! Your house is beautiful and we love you!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Thanks for coming to my party! We need to do it again!