The pictures don't even look as bad as the real thing either. As you know I am running a marathon Sept 20th so in preparation you are supposed to do a long training run. Rich and I drove up Payson Canyon past (Camp Koholow) and ran 20 miles. It was a beautiful run and the first 15 miles were great. I could feel that my toes were suffering (all the downhill I guess, plus I need new running shoes). But once I hit mile 15 (we planted water bottles on the way up so I would have some water and an idea of where I was mile wise) I was so tired and it was around 11:30am and was already really hot and I was out of the canyon so there was no shade and not much of a downhill to help me out.
Rich was finished in 2 and 1/2 hours. I told him it would probably take me around 4 hours. Well the four hour mark was close and he was getting worried so he started to drive up the route and find me. I was about a mile away when he drove up (I ended up walking about the last three miles) I told him to go get me some more water and I would meet him at the end. I jogged most the way but then with a few blocks to go my body just quit on me (so much for mind over body). I made it to Petetneet our finish line and took off my shoes.
I knew I was probably going to loose my big toenails and the ones next to them were mostly gone from previous runs but I was not prepared for what I saw when I took off my socks. It was so gross and my feet hurt so bad. Rich had gone to Subway to get us sandwiches while I "cooled down" under the tree. When I saw my feet I just started bawling...I couldn't help it. Running 20 miles is hard and my body was not happy with me. I don't really know why I was so emotional but now I know what I'm up against in a few weeks and hopefully I can mentally prepare for it!!!
Update: I had to wear flip flops to church on Sunday with Band-aids on my 3 toes. I drained the blisters and they filled back up again so I drained them again. The second nail on my left foot came off today and it is really sore and raw, the big toenails need to come off but I think they need a few days to dry out...sorry if this is disgusting. Hopefully I will be back in business soon!!
I am so crying for you right now:( That is the saddest story. However you are my hero!!! I won't even run to the mailbox......I hope you feel better soon!!
That is groddy sis! Please stop posting pictures of your frighteningly deformed running toes. You are a trooper and crazy! I can't believe you started a run knowing it was going to take you at least 4 hours to finish! That is some great determination you have got going! Can't wait to cheer you on at the finish line...please don't take your socks off though!
Hey, those blisters are ruining your cute blue nail polish! What? That isn't nail polish?
All I have to say is WOW! I really admire your determination and I think you are totally crazy. But I am a little jealous because how cool is it going to be when you can say that you ran a marathon.
I don't even know what to say.....
I've never known you to cry over something like that - Shocking! I can't believe you finished when Rich came to find you - that is impressive! Way to go!
You are totally one of my heroes! That is awesome that you ran 20 miles and you're still going to run a marathon after what 20 miles did to your poor feet, ouch! I would have hopped right into the car when I saw Rich coming for me, way to finish it!
Good for you Angela that is amazing. I could never run 20 miles so first off I look up to you. But you poor poor toes. That sucks so bad. I am sitting here with my Night Watch Buddy and she is a runner and she said you need to wear specific running socks not cotten socks. She says cotten is rotten. It chafs. Maybe you already wear running socks but I just thought I would mention it. Get new running shoes before that next run. She said Running Corner in Orem is awesome for shoes they help you out and watch how you run and determine what type of shoe you need.
Oh, my heck! That looks painful!!! Don't do that again! :o)
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