The road has been long and hard and I had finally accepted that 3 kids was enough and that I was completely satisfied with that. Max will be starting kindergarten in the fall and miss Alexa will be driving shortly after...starting over would be hard...but starting over is exactly what we are doing...
Here is the story, I have been on and off birth control (you ask "why would you be on birth control if you have been wanting to get pregnant??" I have PCOS and don't ovulate regularly on my own so the idea is that the birth control helps you cycle normally then you go off it the next month...I won't go into that, too confusing and not really relevant to this story) but ran out and never got anymore. My periods are always late so I never really think anything of it (actually I used to always get my hopes up that I was really pregnant but I never was...very hard roller coaster to be on). So it's the first part of December and I realize that it has been almost a month and a half with no period yet. I was feeling different and had a few other things going on that made me a little suspicious. I bought a pregnancy test and did it one morning and there were definitely 2 lines but one was so faint that I didn't trust it. As we were laying in bed going to sleep I said to Rich "I think I am having a baby." He was confused as to why I said "think" so I told him about the test and he told me to go get another one. The next day I did another one with pretty much the same result but it was enough to convince Rich. I knew deep down that it was true but it was hard to admit since I had already decided 3 was great!!
I had to be absolutely sure so I called up Dr. Andrew and asked if he would take a quick peek and confirm it for me (he did an ultrasound and sure enough there it was). Seeing is believing!!! As of today (I am typing this post on 1-5-11) I will be 12 weeks tomorrow and the due date it July 21st 2011!!!
ANGELA.... I am so, so excited for you and your family! What a sweet miracle for real! I just love you to pieces and can't think of a better person to have such a blessing. I wish you a smooth pregnancy and can't wait to watch your belly grow and meet your bundle of joy!!
Super big congrats to you and the family! I am so excited for you guys!
Miya came home on Sunday and said she had heard Alex say something to someone. I am so excited for you guys. Amazing simply amazing!
Congratulations, Ang! That's amazing. I love the way you told the kids. So cute!
I am so happy for you Angela!!:)
Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you! SO EXCITING! :)
Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you! I know we've bonded over the struggle to have babies and I'm so excited for you! What a miracle indeed!!! Love you!!!
Even though I already knew, I got a little teary-eyed reading this! Congrats again and I can't wait to know what you're having!
I'm still smiling from the news! Congrats!!!!!!!
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