A funny story about Max. He doesn't really love to eat...yeah who's kid is this?? He survives mostly off of his milk (he drinks like a gallon a day) and the occasional pop-tart. A few weeks or months ago we were having waffles and he wasn't eating so Rich told him that he was going to eat all his "waffle guys" well Max was not about to let that happen so he decided to take a few bites and Rich pretended to be the "waffle guys" and said things like "ouch, don't bite me," "I don't want to go in your belly," "don't eat me Max" and so on until he finished all his waffles.
There have been several times since that we have had to use this tactic to get Max to clean up his plate. Last night for example it was "lasagna guys!!"
He is a crack-up, funny how different kids are and what motivates them!!!
He is so cute, I love the new hair do! Isn't it funny what works for some kids.
Max looks very handsome, I love his hair. Rich is so funny. I can just picture him talking for Max's food, that's awesome that it actually works!
Love the hair do! I hope I can mohawk Nash's hair.
I LOVE the hawk. It's so cute. It really makes his eyes stand out. That is a cute story, too.
Cute little story. I also love that picture of him, his hair is super cute!
This cracks me up! I love that Rich makes up voices for the food. Whatever works, right?
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