Friday, February 22, 2008

Watching American Idol

Well on Wednesday I was watching Ameican Idol and Max was just in my room playing with Tinkertoys, not really paying attention to the TV, or so I thought. I went to the kitchen to get something and when I came back in the room this is what I found...........he took his little chair and put it on my chair so he could be closer to the TV I guess then he got his sunglasses and the guitar for guitar hero. The guy with dreadlocks had just finished his song and he had a guitar when he was singing so I guess thats where he got the idea. I thought it was so cute that I had to run and get my camera to get some shots.
He thinks he's pretty funny and I have to say I totally agree. Kids take in so much more than we give them credit for.
I guess he's interested in what Randy thinks of his performance, I gave him a perfect score, especially for style (he wouldn't put the glasses on his eyes just on his head).
He was not really singing but I thought this was a cute picture. He does love to pretend to play the guitar and sometimes he will drag me or Alexa in to play guitar hero so he can pretend that he is too. We can never play 2 players because Max won't give up his guitar. I guess he'll learn to share eventually!!

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