Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I got tagged by Shannon so here we go:
1. What is his name?Rich (well technically it's Bernard Rich Cope Jr)
2. How long have you been married? 4 yrs in June
3. How long did you date? 2.5 months then we got engaged and married in June (6mo total)
4. Who eats more sweets? Its me for sure!!! Rich is kind of a health nut (haha)
5. Who said I love you first? I did, because if I wouldn't have we might still be dating, just kidding but he does tend to overthink things so I just got it out of the way!!!
6. Who is taller? Rich, but I can be with the right shoes
7. Who can sing better? I would say our singing abilities are about equal. I sing louder though
8. Who is smarter? I think Rich is smarter.
9. Who does the laundry? I do the laundry
10. Who pays the bills? I pay the bills
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? me
12. Who cooks dinner? well, I am in charge of dinner but we do have cereal a lot so I can't really
call that cooking
13. Who drives? We both like to drive and sometimes we argue about who's going to drive
14. Who is more stubborn? I would say Rich is (but thats only because I am too, its probably equal though he would probably say that I am).
15. Who kissed who first? That is a story thats too long to talk about here, but I guess it was Rich
16. Who asked who out first? I "found" Rich on LDS Singles and emailed him first but he asked me out on our first date.
17. Who proposed? Rich
18. Who wears the pants? Well let's just say we both wear shorts
Now I tag Dani, Sarah and Kellye


Anonymous said...

Hey sis...those were fun facts! I still can't believe you and Rich knew eachother 6mos! Nuts!!

Sarah said...

Well thanks! JK I was actually writing to tell you that I tagged you. I'm sorry to make you do one again. You really don't have to. But if get a minute check out my blog to see what you need to do. :)