Thursday, November 11, 2010

Church VolleyBall

Tonight was a regional volley ball tournament for the church. I had signed up to play volleyball several months ago and then didn't hear anything for a long time. I missed all the co-ed games but when I heard about the tournament I wanted to play!!
I haven't played in a really long time but I really enjoy it and thought it would be super fun!! I was right, I had a blast and we ended up playing 3 different teams.
We had 7 players so we did a rotation and each got a little break.
We are all waiting for the the exact same position!!! Funny!
Rich and the boys came to watch and Rich snapped a few shots for me. They aren't the best but I can't complain, at least he was willing to do it!! I wish I knew how to play better but it was way fun and great exercise!!!

It was double elimination and we lost the first team and ended up in the "loser's" bracket. We won the second team and thought we would play tomorrow but we ended up playing a third team right then and lost to them so we are out!! We played from 7:45 to about 10:30pm. My arms are sore and red and I am sure I will have bruises tomorrow!!!

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