Sunday, June 21, 2009

Bernard Rich Cope Jr.

The greatest thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

This for Rich on Father's Day 2009

Who is the luckiest girl in the world???

I am!!! I get to be married to this handsome man!!! Rich you are the BEST!!! There are so many thing that I love you for, here are some of them:

This little guy...
he wouldn't be here if if weren't for you!! I was very content with the two beautiful children that I had prior to meeting you. I thought 2 was a good number for me. After we got married and the more we talked about it, I just knew that you wanted and needed to experience "fatherhood" from the beginning, with your own child. We were very blessed with a healthy baby boy (that is what I was hoping for) and we all love him so much!!! You are a great dad to all 3 of the kids but Max has taught you things you couldn't have experienced any other way!!! Thank you, thank you, thank, you for being so persistent about expanding our family and being able to support us all. I know it couldn't have been easy going from being COMPLETELY independent to having 3 extra people to take care of and feed and clothe (yes, you might be thinking that I helped because I have a job etc.) but I know that couldn't have been easy for you and I have never once heard you complain.
You are such a hard worker and I am so grateful for all you have given me and the kids...especially such a great place to live. When we moved into your townhouse after we got married it never quite felt like "home" to me for some reason. I was happy there and grateful for a place to live, don't get me wrong but it just wasn't "our home." You made it possible for us to purchase a beautiful home in a great neighborhood that isn't that big or fancy but I LOVE IT and it is OUR HOME!!!
You also have to put up with me taking "self portraits" of the two of us ALL THE TIME!! I love you for everything you have blessed me with and especially for your example. I always tell you that you are the best person I know. You honor your priesthood and are always willing to give blessings when needed. You have a strong testimony and love for the gospel. You are great at always doing your home teaching and taking your church callings seriously. I am a much better person because of you and your example and I am so grateful to have you as my eternal companion.


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