Saturday, October 18, 2008


While Alexa was at the, Monica and Brooklyn decided to blow up some balloons to make it more 'partylike' in the house. Monica started making balloon people and so then me and Brooklyn joined in on the fun!
I made Alexa pose with some of our creations!

Alexa usually picks the same dinner for her birthday...biscuit pizzas, finger jello and doritos, I added fresh pineapple and veggies and dip. We had a FULL house. My whole family was there (thats 19 including us, Dave was home doing yard work) my Aunt Annette and most of her kids were there (we missed Michelle and Nick who just moved to Portland)(7 more) then Alexa's dad came with most of his family thats in town (6 more) so for those of you like me who are slow at math that is 32 people!!! Thank goodness we had room for everyone!
It was a great meal and I have to thank Amy and Melissa who took over the pizza making for me...that was incredible! I think we made at least 100 biscuit pizzas!!
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Here are just some random photos I snapped while people were eating!!
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